Our Favorite Training Tips
There’s a lot of information out there about how to best train your dog - and a lot of it can be contradictory! Whether you’re new to training or an old dog looking to learn some new tricks, we hope you will find some of the information listed below helpful and interesting!
Our Favorite Articles
By Zazie Todd, PhD
This is a great, user-friendly guide to everything you need to know about positive reinforcement in dog training. It should answer most of your questions about this kind of training!
By Kathy Santo
This article includes four games you can teach/play with your dog that also double as “come” exercises! Author Kathy writes that she teaches these training games as a safeguard, in case a dog gets loose and hasn’t yet mastered the recall.
By Jan Reisen
This article includes a number of brain-teaser/puzzle toys you can use with your dog, as well as a great instructional video on some exercises you can work on with your dog from the comfort of your own home!
A favorite recipe
This is our favorite recipe for homemade, high-value dog treats! These keep for about a week in the fridge or can be stored in the freezer for months. We like to divide the batch into smaller portions to defrost just a handful at a time! You can either bake them in a 9x13” pan and hand-cut them into small pieces, or bake them straight into a silicone mat like the one included in the recipe!
Our Favorite Youtube Videos
Are you interested in learning more about dog training, how they learn, or just want to find out some of our favorite doggy fun facts? Check out these videos!
Did you know dogs can count without any formal training? In his video, Ken Ramirez discusses his study that found that dogs can count and quickly recognize the amount of items in a group. Additionally, he found that females have the ability to count higher than males… so interesting! They believe that this is so that the female can quickly count the number of puppies in her litter.
All about crate training! Do: 1) go slow with puppies and don’t expect to leave them for hours with no training 2) feed meals and treats in the crate 3) make it fun 4) make it a safe comfortable place to be!
Don’t: 1) use it for punishment 2) put your puppy in for any length of time without tiring them out 3) skip training!!